Another Sighting..

Excerpt taken from the Lake Balboa Times:

Sepulveda Basin Resident Claims Encounter with Cryptid

A Los Angeles resident is claiming to have encountered a mysterious creature known to locals as “Mr. Sticky” in the Sepulveda Basin. The elusive entity, described as a black, gooey figure, is said to have appeared to the witness while on a late-night walk.

According to the witness, who wished to remain anonymous, the creature was “terrifying” and seemed to be watching them from the shadows. “It was like a blob of tar, but it moved and seemed to have intelligence,” they described. The witness also mentioned having heard rumors of a local cult that sometimes gathers in the basin to summon Mr. Sticky.

While the existence of Mr. Sticky remains unconfirmed, local folklore suggests that the creature re-appears every October, and will feed on whatever it comes across to gain strength. Its even rumored to take over people’s minds bending them to his will. The recent encounter has sparked renewed interest in the mysterious entity and its potential connection to the local cult.

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